
Artist: Chromosome Hoax
Release Date: January 12, 2019

Chromosome Hoax’ second release.

Release Details

Chromosome Hoax' second release, Chromo was on the brink of being finished when unfortunately N38s computer decided to have a breakdown rendering the project files useless. After careful deliberation we've decided the last mixdowns were more than good enough for release so we had the tracks mastered and here they are!
Because of the above situation we've decided to make Chromo available for a free download but please consider chucking us a small donation to help us cover mastering and artwork costs.


1. Gabor y Adele 2. Samovar 3. Katie 4. Stripped 5. Inner Master 6. Chromo

Additional information


Written, recorded and produced by Giles Leonard and Tom Goring. Mastering by Colin @ Stooodio mastering. Artwork by Fat Mandy.